Patrick Signoret


I’m a PhD candidate in comparative politics, with formal and quantitative methods and international relations as additional subfields. My research interests include public security, organized crime, development, and Latin American politics. My dissertation analyzes competing criminal organizations and state security forces to explain subnational variation in homicidal violence trends in contemporary Mexico, ultimately seeking to explain when and how order and peace arises in violent criminal contexts.

To support my dissertation and other research projects, I teamed up with scholars in three countries to map the presence and relationships of criminal groups in Mexico. Click here to read more about the Mapping Criminal Organizations project.

I recently spent two years in San Diego as a research fellow at UCSD’s Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies (January 2020 – December 2021) and a lecturer at the University of San Diego (fall 2020). Prior to that, I was a graduate fellow at Princeton’s Program in Latin American Studies (fall 2019).

I hold bachelor degrees in political science and economics from the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM). Before beginning the PhD at Princeton, I was research partner at TransEconomics.

To view and download my CV, please click here.